It is advisable that they child remain in Montessori throughout the formative years between 2.5 and 6, to ensure the best implementation of the Montessori Method.
Montessori children adjust very well into the conventional school. AIM even has a transition room, where children who are close to completion of the Montessori curriculum are introduced to the table and chair environment. Historically, there haven’t been any problems faced by the child in entering a conventional school after Montessori.
The mixed age group system allows the older children to act as mentors to the younger children. This provides confidence to the older children as they reinforce their learnings while teaching the younger ones, and provides the younger children support and confidence in learning new things. The system also encourages a family structure, making the child feel safer and therefore less afraid to experiment.
Children who have been in the Montessori system in the younger years are seen to be sharp and quick learners throughout their life. They always carry a positive attitude towards learning new things.
Reinforcing the Montessori Method at home will assist faster growth and development of the child. “Exercises of practical life” such as cleaning, gardening, cooking, and placing the right thing in the right place should all be encouraged at home. These activities involve the child in the household and strengthen the values taught at school.